Wednesday, August 7, 2013

To blog...or not to blog. That is the question.

Once again, I have decided what I want to be when I grow up.  I want to be a blogger.  
Since I never seem to stop growing up--thankfully--I find it occasionally necessary to make such decisions on the direction of life.  Since I love to write and teach and share, and I do not want to start a business, leave the coziness of my mouse hole, nor endure the rigors of a regular schedule, blogging seemed a good choice.  My inspiration in this pursuit has been the pleasure I have experienced in visiting the blogs of friends and colleagues.  Blogging seems a natural and comfortable choice, unlike some of my previous life choices.  In researching the logistics of a personal blog the last few days, I have discovered that there is more to the process than I first imagined; but then I always did love a challenge.  So in the next few days and weeks I will be creating my own blog space.  Please indulge me in this endeavor with your patience.  I look forward to a time very soon when I can invite you to the new wing of my mouse hole for tea.  Until then, gentle reader, be kind and joyful.


  1. I simply adore that piece of lace at the side! I know you are going to tell us all about it.

    1. The embroidery I used in the background is the hem of a Christening cape that I have in my antique textile collection. I bought it many years ago in Belgium, and will be doing a post with the full story of the cape and gown soon. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I love the way you've done your site. So classy - just like you! I look forward to reading about your ideas and adventures!

  3. I love it, look forward to seeing and reading more.
